Monday, June 1, 2009

Hanging Out in Asheville, NC

These are some photos from the two days I spent with Aunt Martha and my cousin Stephen, his wife Colleen and their kids in Asheville.

We went to a park by the French Broad River, which was very high. The little trail next to the river was flooded. Stephen and boys decided to wade it.
A river of chocolate milk.
This little spider climbed along her barely visible thread just above the rushing water. I caught this pic just as she reached her destination, high and dry.
Kayakers putting in for a little fun in the high water.

After the park, Martha, Stephen and I headed downtown to an art show. I caught this very bad photo of a very cool coffee shop as we walked by.
Asheville Area Arts Council where the show was held.
We also checked out Minerva Gallery, where I was introduced to the fantastic art of Chris Sedgwick.
I had a great beefalo burger and a couple glasses of Highland Oatmeal Porter (the best beer in the world) at Barley's.
And off into the sunset, back to Martha's.
More inspiring than the art galleries was getting to be around my uncle's art again at Aunt Martha's house. Her brother died in his mid-thirties, but his art inspires me and I often refer to it in my own work. Here are a few of Zahn's pieces.

An unfinished painting, but beautiful as is.
To top off the visit, I left with this little crazy beauty. An acquaintance of my aunt's gave it to her, and she passed it on to me to be cherished.

Next installment: Blue Ridge Parkway and Cherohala Skyway on the way back to Nashville.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, to see your photos. So glad you came to visit and spend time!!! Looking forward to the photos of your trip back. Martha


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Franklin, TN, United States
Just another rider... (on a 2008 Suzuki SV650)